Tactic Triangle System (TTS)

The best self defense system is that with the fewest movements, can ward off the most attacks, after the shortest learning time, without any form of physical prerequisites.

  • TTS is a self-defense system that acts as a multitool, designed to provide security in a conflict situation on the street.
  • TTS is logical, therefore very easy to learn.
  • The TTS system uses an ingenious biomechanical triangle to primarily protect the head and the vital part of the body, as well as a weapon concept that trains the practitioner in survival in extremely critical situations.
  • TTS is a close combat system that originates in the modern conflicting world, and has emerged in the professional security industry.
  • TTS can be trained in individual sessions of 1.5 hours and gives the practitioner Street Suvival Tools right away.
  • TTS can be trained continuously to sharpen and optimize Street Suvival Tools.
  • TTS can be trained in our academy, and is an education in fighting art/ martial arts, consisting of 6 levels.
  • The TTS system is founded by John Andersen, who has a long practical experience from the security industry, and more than 20 years in the world of martial arts.

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